News and updates

Christmas Card competition.
Both our designs for Christmas cards last year (pictured) were a huge success. Could YOU, or perhaps a refugee that you know, design one for 2022?
We are looking for images - paintings, drawings, collage, camera work, etc - that would be attractive to people who buy and send Christmas cards. It does not have to be biblical: there are many themes (Home, Community, Journeying/Arriving, Family, Friendship) which could be used as the main feature of a Christmas card.
LCRF is offering two prizes of £50 (privately donated and not taken from our funds used for grants) for the two most suitable images. If possible, also send a few words from the artist about what their image means to them would be welcomed.
Once the images have been chosen, we will be looking for a volunteer artist or graphic designer who would ‘frame’ each image into a Christmas Greetings card. Do you have a teacher/therapist who could help us with this?
The closing date is Friday 28th Jan, for terms and conditions and details of how to submit your entry click here.

Volunteer Roles
LCRF is run entirely through voluntary effort, by eight trustees and an hon. Treasurer. The needs we address grow ever greater, none of us get any younger, and we really need more hands to help develop our activities. We're happy to discuss any options but it could be as a trustee, in a role organising events, helping with social media, or as a church support development officer. Minimum commitment for that one would be about half a day a week - read the job spec here and get in touch if you are interested.
Alternatively, perhaps you have other skills you can offer. If you have bright ideas for roles you could perform, and the determination to carry them out, we could probably use you! Although please note that we are not a charity that works directly with refugees, so we do not have roles in providing advice, giving support or language teaching. What we do is to help the groups which themselves provide those front line services.
Just email if you would like to discuss any involvement.